
After the Affair: How to Cope After Your Partner Has Been Unfaithful

"Cheated on." The words leave a bitter taste in the mouth, a raw feeling in the nerves.  If your partner has been unfaithful to you, you are most likely experiencing a welter of strong emotions. Your life is turned upside down, your world torn apart.  Everything you believed to be true about your relationship and your significant other is exposed as a lie. You may feel as if your shins have been kicked and your heart stomped on.   You have a sense of being worthless and disposable. Depression is common when you are the victim of infidelity.  It’s a low point in life, no question.  If the relationship has been one of long duration, the feelings can be even more intense and difficult to manage.  You may feel betrayed, emotionally raw, ashamed, fearful about the future.  You may be in a state of shock. All of these feelings are normal Perhaps you’ve hired a private investigator to discover the truth.   This is the best case scenario, because you have irrefutabl
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